About me

Hello, I am Paula-Jane Martin!
“Enthusiastic” is perhaps the word that best describes me. Enthusiastic about language, communication, building bridges, understanding, culture, art and voice. Every new assignment delights and honours me, and I am just as happy behind the mic interpreting or lending my voice to a character as I am in front of an audience for a teaching or training session.
Based in Bern, I am always available to my clients throughout Switzerland or elsewhere. And of course, Schwiitzerdütsch is included on the menu!
My goal is to provide you with the best possible service and to adapt according to your needs. And that works.
Education & Training
I have a Master’s degree in English and French literature and linguistics as well as in sociology. Later on, I also obtained a federal certificate in adult teaching (SVEB), trained as coach through the Swiss Lung League, passed a certificate in HR and also got a Speaker’s diploma from the Speech Academy.
I feel well equipped, even though constant reading, learning and making new discoveries continue to be life-goals for me.
I started my professional career as an adult trainer and teacher. As I have always felt passionate about communication and contact, I have dived deeper into the principles of non-violent communication according to Marshall B. Rosenberg and have had the opportunity to work with and train teachers and parents (using the Faber & Mazlish approach) in order to broaden our options of creating a healthy dynamic.
More recently, I have started working on my own family history. My father was born Jewish, in Czechoslavakia, and at the wrong time in history. At the end of WWII, he and his brother were the only members of their family to have survived. I feel that continuing to tell their story has become more important than ever.
For this presentation, I use pictures and letters of my family, try to connect the individual story to the big picture – and to remember and remind us of who and what we are as human beings.

I am honored to be working with https://www.set.ch/holocaust-nachkommen/. SET organizes and coordinates visits of the descendants of holocaust survivors in school classes on behalf of the FDHA and other organisations that combat racism, antisemitism and discrimination in all its forms.

When the pandemic first hit and we all sat at home… I almost finally cleaned my house. Luckily, I was asked to join the incredible team of “Women rock Switzerland” and to contribute a chapter to the “Inspiring Journeys” book. Not only does it give a voice to 31 different women, it also has a business directory. This was an adventure, a lot of fun – and hopefully something that will continue to inspire.


Vous pensez qu’une bonne traduction coûte trop cher ?
Vous pensez qu’une bonne traduction coûte trop cher ? Alors n’imaginez pas combien vous coûtera une mauvaise traduction. Il y a quelque temps, je me

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